Page 261 - Demo
P. 261

                                    CARPETStandard Create Something Bespoke %u2014 Fast and Easy Customisation Millitron%u00ae patterning allows you to create Down to Earth Leaf and Twig combinations in 100s of different colour combinations. The chart below indicates the possible combinations:Leaf / TwigCOMBINATION POSSIBILITIES Beech Beetle Blackbird Bluebell Bracken Canopy Copse Cuckoo Dormouse Dragonfly Fallow Fog Foxglove Frond Grove Hare Hedgehog Hop Husk Morel Mulberry Nest Nuthatch Oak Red Squirrel Samara Seed Silver Birch Sycamore Tawny Wild YewBeechBeetleBlackbirdBluebellBrackenCanopyCopseCuckooDormouseDragonflyFallowFogFoxgloveFrondGroveHareHedgehogHop HuskMorelMulberryNestNuthatchOakRed SquirrelSamara SeedSilver BirchSycamoreTawnyWildYewDOWN TO EARTH / Grounded / Leaf / Twig
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