Page 137 - Demo
P. 137
CARPETMulti Tile DesignThe Clerkenwell designs are multi tile designs %u2014 composed of 16 individual tile elements to create one single design. Orders will ship as a randomised assortment of all 16 elements.CLERKENWELL / Travelling LineTVL154-180-174 Jack Dawkins TVL12-13-144 Vestry MinutesTVL73-48-173 Architect%u2019s PlanTVL144-118-103 Novel CharacterTVL48-137-149 Ironmonger%u2019s Row TVL140-152-118 Charcoal MerchantTVL13-172-144 Gentleman%u2019s PortraitTVL148-171-104 Fifteen PuzzleTVL151- 171-38 Notebook Plots