Page 39 - Rootwork - Conjure
P. 39

CHANGE AGENT / Conjure                                           Click arrow to view chosen colour
                                                                                                             Ansicht der Farbauswahl mit einem Pfeilklick
                                                                                                            Haga clic en la flecha para ver el color elegido

        A Catalyst of Transformation. It may seem                                                                                 Smoked
        the concepts of science and magic live on                                 Ash
        opposite ends of the spectrum. Science strives
        to understand and explain. Magic relies on the
        mystical possibilities of the unknown.
        The goal of each is similar, a desire to
        achieve complete transformation.
        Change Agent LVT was inspired by the
        transcendent act of bringing new purpose to
        natural materials. Capturing the transformation
        of aged stone, Change Agent explores fresh
        perspectives. Whether it be science, magic,
        or a bit of both, Change Agent expresses the
        beauty found within perpetual transformation.

                                                                                 Kindle                                            Ignite
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